Thursday, June 3, 2010

In Philly

I made it to Philly last night.

My whole team came to pick me up! It was really exciting, nice to be with them again.

We are living in a house the is right next to the church and when I say right next to the church I mean there is not space between the two buildings but we still have to walk outside to get from one place to the other.

Went shopping for food today and did a little exploring.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

11 Sheep

Another successful day of sheep shearing. I sheared, well helped shear, a total of 11 sheep! I got better at shearing the second day.

What a great experience and I sure hope the girls form Massachusetts loved it as much as I did.

I am leaving in the morning to drive back to Albuquerque, flying to Texas for a short lay over and then to Philly. My team is driving there from Georgia and will be there in time to pick me up from the airport.

After a week of being here I have really grown to love New Mexico and all the people here. Would love to come back one day. Maybe next year for memorial day to shear some more sheep...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Sheep Shearing!

Today I sheared 4 sheep!

So ok... I may not be the best at actually shearing the sheep but I am really good at rounding them up and tackling them to bring them to the shearing tables. That was my favorite part. I was pushed around a little at the beginning but by the end I jumped right on to those sheep and brought them down. I got a little dirty in the process.

Then we took a ride to Canyon De Chelly. It was beautiful.

Picture: Yep that is me in the sheep pen catching a little (well rather BIG) lamby. These things were like twice my size!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Zuni Reservation

After church and painting the sign for the church we drove down to the Zuni Reservation for youth group. The church is called the mission and the pastor is Pastor Roger. He is awesome!

The Zunis live in clans and there are over 11,000 of them in the reservation.

Less than 1% of them are believers. They have a native religion where they believe in spirits and medicine men. Zunis believe that Christianity is the 'white man's' religion.

If a Zuni makes the step of faith they are often persecuted for their actions. There are about 10 high school students that go to youth group.

It was great to see their enthusiasm and play some games and share stories with them.

The picture is of us on the ride back. We stopped at the cultural center and took a picture of God beautiful creation.