Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
International Day of Prayer
There was a tribe in northeast India called headhunters because the custom was to collect as many heads as possible.
A group of workers went into the tribe to share the love and peace of Jesus Christ. One family came to know and love Jesus. This family started to share God’s love with others in the tribe but the chief did not like that.
The chief lined up the family and asked the father ‘Will you deny your faith?’ The father remembered a song he wrote and sang the first verse:
I have decided to follow Jesus,
I have decided to follow Jesus (3 times)
No turning back, No turning back
The chief killed both of his kids and again asked, ‘Will you deny your faith?’ The father began to sing the second verse:
Though none go with me, Still I will follow (3 times)
No turning back, No turning back
The chief killed his wife and asked, ‘Will you deny your faith?’ The father sang the last verse:
The world behind me, The cross before me (3 times)
No turning back, No turning back
The chief then killed the father.
A miracle happened that day. The chief could not understand this supernatural power behind the family that they would die for. He started to want what they had; he began to declare that he believed in Jesus. That day many of the people in the tribe came to know Christ as their Savior.
That is the power of Jesus Christ!
300 people are killed every day for their faith in Jesus Christ.
People are willing to die for faith…Can you imagine the faith they have?!?
Pray for these people: let them know they are not alone in this, that they will be bold and courageous, that they know they are making a difference