The Russells were missionaries in Wa for the last five years. God led them to Wa and gave them the opportunity be a light for Him. During their time in Wa they helped many churches start, lead many people to Christ and helped out around the community. The Russells have a passion to work with the unreached, specifically the Muslim population in a poverty stricken area. That is just what Wa, Ghana is or rather was.
After five years it is evident that God has used the Russells to show how great our God truly is. Although Wa is still majority Muslim, there is a great increase of Christ followers. Churches are being planted all over the city as well as the surrounding areas. It is clear that the Russells have done what the Lord called them to do in Wa. They are now moving back to America.
Returning back to America is not easy task after living in another country for five years. Much change has occurred not only with the Russells but with family, friends, churches, and culture. The Russells now have a 10 year old, 5 year old and a baby on the way. Issac and Rachel will be going to school. Bess, mother, will be having a new baby. John, father, is looking for a pastoral job. The whole family is just awaiting new things such as a house, car, food, clothes, aspect of time, friends and culture.
I can only imagine how hard it was to leave Wa. Leave their friends, churches, belongings, Lizzy (their nanny), Abu (security/house helper), dogs, house, and so many memories. They know the Lord is going before them and they have complete trust that he will provide and that this is the right thing to do.
It is Sunday, April 25, 2010 and they are currently on a plane to America. If you can be praying for the Russell family and the transition they are going through that would be great.
Bess is doing some medical care in a village
Rachel and Issac with Lizzy
John praying over a church building in a village near Wa
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